News & Events
Last hour news
- Lorenz Allemann wins the 2023 Master's Thesis Award of the Swiss Forum for International Agricultural Research (external page SFIAR) for his Master's thesis entitled "Nitrogen sources of Brachiaria spp. in tropical pastures". In his thesis conducted in Colombia, undesr the supervisin of Astrid Oberson, Lorenz looked at options to reduce nitrogen loss from tropical pastures. Learn more in the external page official SFIAR page. Congratulations, Lorenz! (20 September 2023)
- Jolanda Reuss was awarded in September 2022 the medal of the ETH for her outstanding doctoral thesis entitled “Identifying the chemical nature of soil organic phosphorus with increasing molecular weight”. Congratulations from the whole group!
- We have three new members in the group! Welcome to Fernando Antonio Gomes Brito and Elena Evertz, who are joining as PhD students, and to Yang Zhao, who is joining as guest student.
The r4d program of the SNF/SDC is organizing a r4d dialogue event on food security and sustainable agriculture and the Swiss Film Screening of “La veine verte – la renaissance agroécologique de l’Afrique de l’Ouest” in Bern on the 2.11.2021. Find more information Download here (PDF, 2.5 MB)

Group of Plant Nutrition and Mars!
Emmanuel Frossard was interviewed by the RTS about the Melissa project. Here you find the audio interview and the RTS page about it.
external page RTS page
Grace Crain, our space gardener, received a price (visit of the Melissa pilot plant in Barcelona) for best poster contribution at the Melissa conference in Ghent, Belgium: congratulations!
Check also her latest interview at the external page SRF.
Listen to the ETH podcast where Grace M. Crain, a PhD student of the group, spoke about life in space.
Grace participated in the CreativeLabz external page "Hello Mars" program. Crain spoke to aspiring young scientists about the possibility of growing plants on Mars using human waste products.
Grace's contribution to external page Food System Stories on P and circular future.
News form the YAMSYS project in West Africa

Awards to the Group of Plant Nutrition
The Group of Plant Nutrition is receiving recognition for its work in Africa!
Congratulation to Janine Steinmann, who won the external page SFIAR (Swiss Forum for International Agricultural Research) Master thesis Award and to our group leader, Emmanuel Frossard, who received the 10th CSRS-Eremitage Award for Scientific Research in Partnership.
The group of Plant Nutrition participated to the ZOMM project - how to alleviate zinc deficiency. Watch the video!